domenica 14 agosto 2016

How to replicate test


Here's a little guide to replicate the test I made for ode15i


Download last version of Sundials (only IDA module is required (IDA version > 2.8.0), but SundialsTB, idas and kinsol will be used for some test). Follow the install guide of Sundials to build IDA module with KLU (you will have to specify the lib and include directories where you have previously installed KLU). Use SUNDIALS_PRECISION as double (default) in configuration.


Clone my octave repo you can find here:
and build Octave from source. KLU is already a Octave dependence, but you can specify other versions you have installed at configuration time.


Here you can find the scripts and C functions I used to test ode15i.
You can test my oct-file running the scripts in folder Octave and the same scripts in Matlab folder for testing Matlab's ode15i.

To test the C examples of Sundials compile the C file you can find in folder C, linking against libklu, libsundials_ida and libsundials_nvecserial. If you installed these libraries in default path, type:

$ gcc -c idaHeat2D_klu.c idaRoberts_dns.c
$ gcc -o idaHeat2D_klu idaHeat2D_klu.o  -lsundials_ida
 -lsundials_nvecserial -lklu -lm
$ gcc -o idaRoberts_dns idaRoberts_dns.o  -lsundials_ida
 -lsundials_nvecserial -lklu -lm
$ ./idaRoberts_dns
$ ./idaHeat2D_klu

Sundials provides some mex interfaces for solving the benchmark problems. In order to test that, you have to edit file SundialsTB/install_STB.m changing mex compiler (near row 20):

mexcompiler = 'mkoctfile --mex';

Install Octave and run from Octave install_STB.m script. Choose to compile IDAS and kinsol interface and install the Toolbox. A startup file is generated where you chose to install SundialsTB: run it.

Now you could be able to run the script in MEX folder, which uses Sundials mex interface for solving the dense problem.

For problem ida_klu in Octave and Matlab folder, you can choose to test the solver with a sparse jacobian function, a dense jacobian function, a cell jacobian dense or a sparse jacobian dense.

Since I added the cell jacobian option in ode15i recently and I changed some parameters in the benchmark problems, I have some new results:

Problem Robertson eq (tspan from zero to 4e10, abstol = [1e-8, 1e-14,1e-6], reltol = 1e-4, dense methods):

Matlab: 0.41s
Octave: 0.06s
C impl: 0.002s
Mex impl: 0.12s

Without jacobian:

Matlab: 0.45s
Octave: 0.07s
Mex impl: 0.15s

Problem Heat2D (tspan from zero to 10.24, reltol = 1e-5, abstol = 1e-8, sparse methods):

With a sparse jacobian function:

Matlab: 0.34s
Octave: 0.13s
C impl: 0.005s

With a dense jacobian function:

Matlab: 0.44s
Octave: 0.15s

With a dense jacobian cell:

Matlab: 0.45s
Octave: 0.08s

With a sparse jacobian cell:

Matlab: 0.34s
Octave: 0.07s

Without a jacobian:

Matlab: 0.56s
Octave: 0.47s

It seems a quite goode result, considering that C and Mex implementations are specificly designed for solving these problems. Since I use a m-interface before calling my oct-file, there is a little overhead, but it will be negligible for bigger more complex problems.

For these test I configured Octave with -O2 flag and all the results refer to the code till this commit

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